Message from MD
Message of Managing DirectorMessage from Managing Director

"A sound health in a sound mind", keeping this concept in our mind DESH Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Limited is committed to secure the health of the peoples by producing the quality medicines.
The Pharmaceutical sector is technologically the most developed manufacturing industries in Bangladesh and the third largest industry in terms of contribution to government’s revenue. The Pharmaceuticals market is continuously growing both in domestic and abroad. The success of a Pharmaceuticals company depends on consistently maintaining the highest standard of quality.
Our commitment to qualify has encouraged us to establish manufacturing facilities conforming to Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) with the active support and technical guidance of the globally reputed Pharmaceuticals company.
We know to be a successful company that needs many things which we have, These are: dedication, reliable, transparent corporate culture, co-operation and good ethical manners with the whole family of a company including Board of Directors, Employees and all the related members.
Our coordination, cooperation and commitment will be mainly focused on the growth of the company and to be a difference in the health community. The clarity of our vision will be successful to induce and embrace the change in the field of Pharmaceuticals Industry. We need the help from different sectors to achieve our goal and we are very hopeful for that. We have the concern about our national health situation and we want to develop in a good speed.
Looking ahead, we are determined to achieve our goal of becoming a force in affordable health care solutions and to do this we will continue to capitalize and build on the unique fundamentals of our values, people and products by encouraging innovation, entrepreneurship and growth.
Mohammad Lutfor Rahman
Managing Director